"Good plumbing can and does make a difference in many aspects if our day to day lives. While most people in developed countries tend to take the provision if wholesome drinking water and sanitation services for granted, it was not too long ago that general health in these countries improved dramatically when such services were first effectively provided."
1.1 billion people do not have access to safe water.
2.6 billion people do not have access to acceptable sanitation.
6000 children die every day fri. Water related diseases.
Good plumbing systems could help to improve these tragic statistics dramatically and Jamie and Lisa Carter have joined the World Plumbing Council to learn how they can participate in improving plumbing conditions around the world.
The entire world is affected by climate change and the unceasing pressures on our natural resources through demand for fossil fuels and shortages of potable water. The plumbing industry is at the foremost of moves towards increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources of energy. Water conservation is also a major issue in which the plumbing industry is involves in many countries.