Friday, September 20, 2013

Don't Use Hot Water for Food Prep or Drinking Water

You might be tempted to cook your pasta with hot tap water since it boils faster. Unfortunately it is bad for your health. The reason being lead.
 Hot Water is more likely to leach the heavy metal from your plumbing pipes. In 1986 using solder for pipe joints was banned, however, brass plumbing parts might contain a bit of lead as well. Today Plumbing parts legally considered lead-free may contain up to 8% lead. This means chances are you don't have lead-free plumbing.
So what's the big deal? It has been proven that too much lead in the body can cause serious damage to the brain, kidneys, nervous system, and red blood cells.  It's especially bad for pregnant women and children.  

     The EPA recommends  not using water taken from the hot tap for cooking or drinking, and especially not for making baby formula. If hot water is needed, draw water from the cold tap and heat it on the stove. If a faucet hasn't been used for at least six hours, "flush" all the water that has been sitting in the pipes. This procedure can take anywhere from five seconds to two minutes. it is "flushed" when the water stops getting colder.   

     On January 4, 2014 Federal Law mandates the wetted surface of every pipe, fixture, and fitting sold for or installed in potable water applications not contain more than 0.25% lead by weight.  If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to email our office: