Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Save Money as You Flush?

We asked Plumbing Pro, Jamie Carter if the following procedure will save a homeowner money when they flush their toilet:

Will it save water (and money) with each flush, by placing a 20-ounce water bottle in the corner of the toilet tank? Does each flush really use less water because of the displacement in the tank? By making sure the bottle of water stays at the bottom of the tank and is not free-floating, and keeping it away from any moving parts so it doesn't interfere with the flushing mechanism - will this really work to save water and money?

Here is the Plumbing Pro, Jamie Carter's answer: 

Most toilets that are less than five years old are already water savers (1.6 gpf). But, if its an older toilet this would save the amount of water that the bottle size takes up so it works but not much. You almost need a gallon jug in a traditional 3.5 gpf toilet tank to make
a difference.

There you have it homeowners - it's best to if you have a water saving toilet, but if you want to do the calculations based on your water consumption, you may save a little!!

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